Horace Walpole and his Legacies: A Tercentenary Colloquium (5th May)

Horace Walpole by John Giles Eccardt, oil on canvas, 1754. Reproduced under CC BY-NC-ND licence.

Novelist, playwright, designer, collector, and letter-writer extraordinaire: Horace Walpole was a writer of many talents. Celebrate three hundred years since his birth at this free informal gathering on 5th May from 10.00 to 14.00 in Durham Castle.


Peter N. Lindfield, ‘Walpole’s Paper House’
Dale Townshend, ‘Walpole, Enchantment, and the Legacy of The Castle of Otranto’
Serena Trowbridge, ‘Teaching Gothic: Walpole’s Shadows’


Stephen Regan, ‘Reading Walpole’s Letters’

Organiser and chair

Fiona Robertson

All are welcome on 5th May, in Durham Castle. This event is free of charge, and a working lunch will be provided. Participants are asked to register their interest in advance by emailing fiona.robertson@durham.ac.uk by 28 April 2017.

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